Keep Dirt Out: A Comprehensive Guide to Home Protection

One of the hardest things to solve in home cleaning and it’s no surprise that dirt can accumulate quickly in your home. After all, it’s hard to avoid the dust and debris that comes from spending time outside. Whether you have kids running around with muddy shoes or pets bringing in bits of nature, there are plenty of ways for dirt to make its way indoors. To ensure a clean and healthy environment inside your home, consider implementing these tips on how to keep dirt out.

So, What are the Causes of Outside Dirt Tracked Inside

The most obvious cause of outside dirt tracked inside is from shoes and items. Every time someone enters the home, they are likely bringing in some type of soil or debris on their clothing or footwear. This can be especially true during wet weather when mud tends to stick more easily to clothes and shoes. Even if people take off their outdoor footwear at the door, there is still a chance that small amounts of dirt can get transferred onto carpets or floors throughout the house.

Pets are another big source of dirt being brought into homes. Dogs and cats love playing outside but often come back with plenty of mud stuck in their fur or paws which will inevitably need to be cleaned up once indoors. Wet grass also has a tendency to cling to animals’ coats so it’s important for pet owners to consider giving their furry friends an extra good brush before letting them back inside after walks.

Unclean doormats and rugs can also contribute significantly towards tracking in dirt from outdoors as these surfaces tend not to catch much debris if they haven't been recently vacuumed or shaken out regularly enough – leaving your interior floors vulnerable every time someone steps over them with muddy boots or shoes on! To avoid this problem, try getting into the habit of shaking out any mats by your door once a week (or more depending on how frequently you go outside) as well as vacuuming them regularly too - this way you'll ensure maximum protection against any potential messes coming through your doorway each day!

Crazy weather patterns such as heavy rainstorms can also bring a lot more dirt into our homes than normal due to all the excess moisture being carried along with wind gusts - meaning even those who take precautions may find themselves having difficulties keeping everything clean indoors afterwards!

All of this stuff makes keeping your home cleaning just a little bit harder.

Preventive Tips for Keeping Dirt Outdoors

As previously discussed, in addition to removing shoes before entering the house, it’s important to clean doormats regularly. Doormats should be vacuumed and shaken out frequently in order to prevent dirt from accumulating and being tracked through your home. If possible, have a separate set of outdoor-only mats that can be used for muddy shoes or boots during inclement weather days – this will help to keep the primary doormat cleaner for longer!

It is also beneficial to keep windows and doors closed as much as possible when not in use - though you do need to balance the need for fresh air. Doing this helps limit the amount of dust, debris, pollen, and other things that may enter your living space when you open them up again later on. Additionally, when you are not home you may consider having blinds or curtains pulled down over windows will provide an extra layer of protection against any airborne dirt that could otherwise find its way inside with ease if left uncovered!

House cleaning can become a dreaded job, but we can hopefully make things just that little bit easier for ourselves when it comes time to assume the home cleaning role. We don't know about you but anything that can reduce the amount of time spent cleaning is a good thing.

Organisational Tips

Organisation helps us to keep our home clean and dirt-free. One way to do this is by designating certain footwear for indoor and outdoor use. Keep one set of shoes near the front door or other entrances that are specifically used for going outside, while another pair of shoes is kept inside and only used within the house. This will help prevent the transfer of dirt and debris from outdoors into your living space every time someone steps through a doorway.

Another helpful idea is to keep a place for shoes at each entranceway in order to encourage people to take off their outdoor footwear before entering your home, especially on wet days when mud tends to stick more easily! This could be as simple as having some shoe racks or slots near doors where everyone can store their shoes or runners until they’re ready to go back outside again later on – reducing how much dirt gets tracked around indoors over time too!

Finally, it’s important not just remove any visible signs of dirt but also clean up messes afterwards – otherwise you risk having dust particles build up in carpets and fabrics gradually without realising it! To make this process easier it's worth investing in some quality cleaning supplies such as microfiber cloths which are great at picking up dust quickly - plus they can even be washed after use, so you never have worry about using dirty materials either!


In conclusion, it can be difficult to keep dirt out of your home but with a few simple tips and techniques you can create a house that is comfortable and clean. Removing shoes upon entering the house, regularly cleaning doormats, keeping windows and doors closed when not in use, designating certain footwear for indoor/outdoor use; and having shoe racks or slots near doorways are great ways to reduce the amount of dirt that makes its way inside your living space. Additionally, it's important to remember to clean up any messes so as not to let dust particles build up over time. With a bit of effort each day it’s possible to maintain a healthy level of hygiene indoors – ensuring you, your family and everyone who visits feels welcome and relaxed!


Lastly, if you are looking for professional home cleaning services in Sydney then please don't hesitate to either give us a call at 1300 970 390 or send us an email at and we can certainly help you out.


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